Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Poured Forth

"Measure thy life by loss and not by gain; not by the wine drunk but by the wine poured forth, for love's strength standeth in love's sacrifice, and he that suffereth most hath most to give. " --Ugo Bassi

I long to be "poured forth".  I feel that isn't happening right now because I am not pouring myself into some particular ministry.  But I think I have realized that the pouring forth of oneself can consist of living your life in sacrifice to the Lord.  That's the daily decisions, trials, sufferings, joys...all for the glory and joy of the Lord.  

How can I be poured forth if I have nothing to pour?  I must be daily filling myself up with the word of the living God in order to pour something.  I think for many years I poured myself into my Hispanic ministry, yet it was a tipping of the cup with nothing spilling out.  Because I didn't have anything to pour.  My walk with the Lord consisted of ministry only.  Now I am in this painful yet joyful refining process, where I am daily being sanctified, refined and filled up with the presence of God.  When it comes time to involve myself more intensely, I hope to have more to give.  

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